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2024 Women’s season preview

Greg Mackett15 Apr - 07:31
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Ahead of the 2024 we caught up with Women’s captain and county coach Kezia Hassall, to hear her thoughts ahead of the new season

With the winter now over, how happy are you to get training outside?
Buzzing, especially in these nets that we've got. They're really good quality and they've got long enough run-ups that we can practise fully. It's really really good to be out.

What are you looking for the side to improve on from last year?
I think our intensity when we go out to bat, we need to improve a little bit on. I think a few of us got a little bit stuck when we got out to the middle. We played Essex in a game and the intensity when the two batters went out was phenomenal and they got us off to a really good start and that's how we won. Then when we played Northants, we kinda switched off. I think we just need that mindset and that intensity to keep going in games, especially with fielding as well. I think sometimes we get a little bit... We're in the game and we've taken loads of wickets and then we struggle to get six, seven, eight out because we've just gone a little bit flat.

The 2024 season kicks off this Sunday with the new ECB 50 over competition, what are your hopes?
So my hopes is that we go out and we really show our intensity to bat and our intensity of bowling. And we go for wickets, we don't go to just limit runs. And also we've got quite a few youngsters coming through. So I think also helping them in the game, all of us old ones, and really promoting them. And I'm hoping for the 50 overs, we can really push for that top spot.

Who are the new names we need to look out for and what old names are you hoping to shine?
So we've got Jenna (Botha) coming through, we've got Darcey (Dalwood) coming through, we've got Chloe (Eayrs) our really young spinner, really good. Then obviously we've got Charlie (Philips), who's now Sunrisers, we’ve got Mabel (Reid) in Sunrisers, as you've got Gemma (Marriott) and Kempy (Amelia Kemp) so we're really looking to push.

Last year we came so close with the T20s, beating Essex but then losing to Northants. What are your hopes this time around?
I think for that, our intensity when we went out to bat against Essex was exceptional. I think in Northants, we got a little bit lacklustre. We didn't run as well as we could have. We left quite a few runs out there. I think with our top four, five, the intensity will be to push the runs when they're out there. We've got some very quick players in our team and utilise that and put the pressure on the fielding team rather than the batters feeling pressure to hit. And I think what we could do bowling-wise is really be aggressive with our fields and actually have a slip in place, maybe put another slip in place to really show teams that if you are going to edge it off our bowlers, we are going to be there.

You’ve also spent the last few winters coaching the younger Moosettes, how does the future look?
Yeah, it looks really, really good. Coaching the young ones is a really amazing opportunity because you get to see where some of our girls started, and it's a really good progression. From 11s up to 18s, there's been some phenomenal players, and now some of them are pushing into the women's, and that's what I hope with some of our 11s, 12s that are coming through.

Further reading